ReWrite Info page

Mimi Ayers, Angelo Cross, Annie Gaia, and Steph Garrison

Program Leader Megan Kosmoski & Casting Associate Brian Egland

Rewrite Banner.JPG

Have an idea you have to get down on paper, a draft not ready for production, an old play never quite ready, or something you’re currently working on? Then this is the program for you! New from The Radical Buffoons, this SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR NOLA PLAYWRIGHTS will put the playwright first by lending support, structure, and space in order to help 4-5 playwrights develop a first draft into a production ready script.

ReWrite is dedicated to script development without pressure;
It’s a NOLA-based playwright focused program!

Starting in late August 2021 the program will span 12-15 weeks. Selected cohort members will meet once-a-week with ReWrite lead Coordinator, and Buffoon, Megan Kosmoski for a table read of each latest draft. That’s 3 reads for each playwright (spaced out over 4-5 weeks)! These reads will be coordinated by a casting supervisor tasked with hiring professional actors for each reading. Each reading will conclude with two feedback sessions: one with actors and one with the cohort only.

NOLA Playwrights will leave with:
A Developed Script. Connections. A Supportive Network.

Selected cohort members will be required to: provide a full first draft at the initial meeting; attend every table read (whether for their play or another playwright’s); and bring rewritten drafts for their designated meetings after the first.

This program is at NO COST to the playwrights

APPLY APRIL 12th-30th

note: only one submission allowed per person.Even if you have 3 plays you are currently working, choose the one that would be best for this process and apply. TRB will not retain ownership/rights to the work but will ask for appropriate credit in any printed and or produced materials.