Our Mission and Values


At Home in New Orleans, we are devoted to making work that is outsize in scope, physically evocative, socially provocative, and couched in humor as a vehicle for storytelling. We function in service of artists by putting the full weight of our administrative, financial, and creative-production skills behind a wide array of projects brought to us from collective members themselves.


We value the creative minds of our community. We value transparency and care as keys to art making. We value the radical nature of art, art making, and storytelling.


● We believe that no labor is free.

● We are conscious of people’s time as a form of currency.

● We embrace and learn from the lands, communities, elders, and beliefs that are with us now and those that have come before us.

● We understand that we work with people and not the roles they fulfill.

● We believe art is a revolutionary act in which nothing is sacrosanct.

● We believe stories hold multiple truths.

● We embrace the challenge that any space can be a stage for radical performance.

● We believe success lies in flipping the top-down, business model.